Saturday, 17 February 2018

Entry VI. - The Forest Awakens

I have completed the pack of five Fenrisian Wolves to serve as the Leshy's summoned forest companions. Nothing too special, a spot of minor re-posing and I used pictures of real Grey Wolves as reference when painting.

 I'd originally intended the snarling black one to the left of center to serve as the pack "Alpha", and hence painted him black like the Alpha wolf in the movie; The Grey.

However, on closer inspection it seems to me he's one of the smallest wolves in the pack, so not very suitable as a dominant specimen! (Note: I'm aware that the "Alpha" theory regarding wolf social behavior has largely been debunked at this point, but for fantasy gaming purposes and having a unit leader it is simply a convenience.) I now favour the one in the middle as the proverbial "big dog".

I'm considering sourcing something bigger like a Thunderwolf for the purpose though. I'm also thinking of getting some kind of were-creatures (one of which possibly being wolf or bear-like) for the Leshy's shape-shifted form; I figure there are surely times where he "runs with the pack", so to speak, but I still want him to stand out even when transformed.

I have further plans to expand the warband, and have now decided I'm going to leverage the Giant/Gargant I was working on as an additional ally, but this combination of master and hounds is the core setup I'd imagined when the idea first germinated.

I'd like to make him a Leshy-Wife, but haven't figured it out yet. There's also an idea for an aerial contingent in the form of giant birds of prey. Perhaps the Wife could bring the birds? There's a thought...

Thanks for stopping by. Hope you enjoyed. See you next time!

If you're interested you may find me on Instagram.

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